
After successfully not blogging for nearly a year, I found myself in lockdown wanting to write but not knowing what to write about. For my final PGCE assignment last year, I focused on racial diversity in the curriculum and, ever since then, I have been wanting to make my practice grounded in equity. I am not an expert – far from it. But I wanted to use this space as a way to share my journey and findings with others as I fumble my way through working out how to shift our education system away from White Centering.

I don’t know what this blog will end up being, quite frankly, I am expecting to just use it as a reference point for myself. I enjoy writing and I think I will enjoy doing this as a way to keep me focused on my antiracism work.

Note: I just wanted to make it clear that I am a white, cisgendered female. I am not pretending to be an expert on any of this – if you are looking for an expert, I suggest you start by reading the books I have reviewed.

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